Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Welcome to the weekly agenda for the Titan English 7 Blog!
WEEK 11 (11/6-11/10) AGENDA:
Monday-Review Lit. Terms and SFT. Complete Writing Reflection on AAM Essay. If time, play Kahoot
HW: 1. Study for test Fri. on Lit. Terms and SFT using Kahoot and Quizlet. 2. Finish editing sheet and Practice-Ex. 2 and revise story for FCA’s (1) tightly-woven plot 2) dialogue punctuated properly and using tag words other than said like grumbled or howled 3) imagery and at least 2 SFT)

Tuesday-No classes; InService Day

Wed.-1) Quarterly Reflection 2) Review. 3) Play Quizlet Live and, if time, Kahoot.  4) Exit Ticket
HW: 1. Study for test Fri. on Lit. Terms and SFT using Kahoot and Quizlet. 2. Finish editing sheet and Practice-Ex. 2 and revise story for FCA’s (1) tightly-woven plot 2) dialogue punctuated properly and using tag words other than said like grumbled or howled) 3) imagery and at least 2 SFT)

Thurs. 1) J.E. #8: Something funny happened...2) Dramatic and situational irony and foreshadowing mini-Lesson 3) If time, play Kahoolawe 4) Exit Tocket (digital)
HW: 1. Study for test Fri. on Lit. Terms and SFT using Kahoot and Quizlet. 2. Finish editing sheet and Practice-Ex. 2 and revise story for FCA’s (1) tightly-woven plot 2) dialogue punctuated properly and using tag words other than said like grumbled or howled) 3) imagery and at least 2 SFT)

Fri. 1) Take Lit. Terms and SFT Test. 2) Make corrections. 3) work on typing/ revising story.
HW: Finish editing sheet and Practice-Ex. 2 and revise story for FCA’s (1) tightly-woven plot 2) dialogue punctuated properly and using tag words other than said like grumbled or howled) 3) imagery and at least 2 SFT)

WEEK 10: Students created a story about a picture, read “Night Burial” and created an ending, took notes on using quotation marks, reviewed key literarily terms and Smiley Face Tricks, and edited their stories.

WEEK 9: Students learned and practiced how to analyze the functions of prep. phrases and how to identify complete and simple subject and predicate.

WEEK 8 (10/16-10/20) AGENDA:
Prep. Quiz for periods 1 and 2; "Interjections" video; "Glis and Farfie" Mystery Solving Activity
HW: none

Tuesday-Review pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions ("Pronoun" and "Conjunction Junction" videos); complete "Parts of Speech:  Memory Tricks" packet.
HW: 1. Review "Pronoun Practice" and "Prepositions Practice." 2. If needed, study for re-take on prepositions song (if you got below a C on the quiz) scheduled for Thurs. HB.

Wednesday-1. Watch "adjectives" and "adverbs" and practice Q & A Flow for Adjectives and Adverbs. 2. Watch "Prepositions Paparazzi Parody." 3. Begin "Q& A Flow Practice" handout.
HW:  Practice Pattern 1 Sentences and Prepositions Q & A Flow by watching edPUZZLE, "Pattern 1 Sentence Q & A Flow" and completing # 1-5.

Thursday-1. Journal Entry # 7. 2. Continue "Q & A Flow Practice" handout.
HW:  Watch "Prep. Phrase Q & A Flow" edPUZZLE and study for quiz on Pattern 1 Sentences and Prep. Phrases next Tuesday, Oct. 24.

Friday-1. Journal Entry #8.  2. NoRedInk: Subject and Predicate and watch any missing edPUZZLE.
HW:  Watch "Prep. Phrase Q & A Flow" edPUZZLE and study for quiz on Pattern 1 Sentences and Prep. Phrases next Tuesday, Oct. 24.

WEEK 7 (10/9-10/13) AGENDA:
J.E. #5 and independent work (make further essay revisions, watch edPUZZLE video of Full Titans' Chant, and study Quizlet for all 8 Parts of Speech and notes.
HW: 1. Make all final revisions to All About Me Essay.  2. STUDY for Parts of Speech Test on Wed., Oct. 11 (watch edPUZZLE "Full Titans' Chant (all 8 Parts of Speech) & practice, use Quizlet, and give yourself the test/study & reproduce the chart/notes).

Tuesday-J.E. #6 and independent work (make further essay revisions, watch edPUZZLE video of Full Titans' Chant, and study Quizlet for all 8 Parts of Speech and notes.
HW: 1. Make all final revisions to All About Me Essay.  2. STUDY for Parts of Speech Test on Wed., Oct. 11 (watch edPUZZLE "Full Titans' Chant (all 8 Parts of Speech) & practice, use Quizlet, and give yourself the test/study & reproduce the chart/notes).

Wednesday-1. Take Parts of Speech Test. 2. Re-submit All About Me Essay with Final Revisions-Submission 2. 3. Learn Q&A Flow for Pattern 1 Sentences.
HW:  Practice Pattern 1 Sentences Q & A Flow & Learn Prepositions Song (Quiz Friday/Monday for missed class.)

Thursday-Collaborative Mystery Solving Activity
HW: Practice Pattern 1 Sentences Q & A Flow & Learn Prepositions Song (Quiz Friday/Monday for missed class.)

Friday-1. Take Prepositions Quiz.  2. Continue to practice Pattern 1 Sentences Q & A Flow & learn/practice Prep. Phrase Q & A Flow.
HW:  Practice Pattern 1 Sentences Q & A Flow and Learn/Practice Prepositional Phrase Q & A Flow.


Handouts, Videos, Study Guides, and Games

Please use the following to access study guides, games, videos, and handouts.

4 Basic Parts of Speech Chart
Titans' Chant for the Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech Flashcards and Games (updated to include pronoun, prep., conj., int.)
Grammar Ninja Games
Linking Verbs FlashcardsFlash
Cards for Conjunctions (FANBOYS and AAAWWUBBIS)
"Preposition" by the Bazillions
Jeopardy! PowerPoint for Ch. 3: Parts of Speech, Parts of the Sentence (Refer to edmodo at www.edmodo.com File is attached to most recent post.)

Subject and Predicate Video ("Mr Morton" Schoolhouse Rocks)
Direct Object Video (Grammar Bytes "See It Series")
Indirect Object Video (Grammar Bytes "See It Series")