Monday, December 4, 2017


Welcome to the weekly agenda for the Titan English 7 Blog!
WEEK 14:  DEC. 4-8
Mon.-Finish "Reading Appreciation" & submit quiz w/ 1 insight/theme that you believe to be true to life and briefly explain why & give an example of how it's illustrated in a piece of literature and in life. Discuss "Preparing for Productive Discussion" and "Discussion:  The Grade," as well as "Taking Notes on What You Read."  If time, begin to annotate/talk to the text for "The King and the Shirt."
HW:  Finish annotating "The King and the Shirt," answering given questions, writing QVP3CR, and writing 1-3 of your own discussion questions.

Tues.-Finish preparing for discussion of "The King and the Shirt."  Engage in partner discussion.  If time, engage in Socratic Seminar discussion.
HW: Review notes.

Wed.-Write J.E. #11:  Small Action, Huge Impact and discuss.  Read and annotate "The Starfish Story."

Thurs.-Prepare for discussion.

Fri.-Discuss A Christmas Carol, Prologue-Scene 3.